Chinese Hot and Sour Soup

Chinese Hot and Sour Soup, Recipes, Nutrition, Vegetarian Options

A beloved staple of Chinese cuisine, Chinese Hot and Sour Soup entices with its delectable flavour combination and rich cultural legacy. This famous soup has captured customers’ attention with its savoury warmth and energising tanginess since it originated in the Sichuan province and has now gained international recognition. We explore this cherished culinary masterpiece’s history, recipes, health advantages, and vegetarian options in this thorough examination.

Chinese Hot and Sour Soup

Chinese Hot and Sour Soup is a tangy and savoury dish that is a popular staple of Chinese cuisine, known for its complex flavours and warm, comforting texture. With its unique blend of flavours that entice the palate, this well-known soup is a tribute to China’s rich culinary history.

History and Cultural Significance of Chinese Hot and Sour Soup

Chinese Hot and Sour Soup has a long history in Chinese cuisine, dating back millennia. Its birthplace is the Sichuan province, which is well-known for its potent and fiery tastes. Originally used for its therapeutic qualities, it progressively transformed into a cherished gastronomic treat that is appreciated throughout China and other regions.

Traditional Chinese Hot and Sour Soup Recipe

Ingredients of Hot and Sour Soup


  • Four cups of vegetable or poultry stock
  • 1/2 cup finely sliced shiitake mushrooms
  • 1/4 cup of thinly sliced bamboo shoots
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped tofu
  • A pair of teaspoons soy sauce
  • Two tsp rice vinegar
  • One tablespoon of cornflour
  • One egg, whisked just enough
  • Two tsp of sesame oil
  • To taste, add salt and pepper.
  • As a garnish, green onions
  • White pepper, optionally for added zing


  • The chicken or vegetable broth should be brought to a slow boil in a big pot.

  • To the pot, add the chopped tofu, bamboo shoots, and sliced shiitake mushrooms. Simmer for around five minutes.

  • Combine the cornflour, rice vinegar, and soy sauce in a small bowl and stir to incorporate thoroughly. To avoid lumps developing, pour this mixture into the pot and stir constantly.

  • Gently whisk the beaten egg into the broth and slowly pour it in, making delicate ribbons of egg.

  • Add salt, pepper, and sesame oil to taste when seasoning the soup. You can add a pinch of white pepper if you want your food spicy.
  • After the soup has thickened somewhat and all the ingredients are well combined, turn off the heat.
    Serve hot, with chopped green onions on top for flavour and freshness.

Variations and Regional Differences in Chinese Hot and Sour Soup

Hot and Sour Soup in northern China

Although the fundamental components of Chinese Hot and Sour Soup are still the same, local variations give this traditional dish new perspectives. For example, the soup in northern China is typically thicker and sour due to the addition of items like cloud ear fungus and wood ear mushrooms. Conversely, variants from the south of China could have a little sweeter taste and a lighter consistency.

Key Ingredients and Their Benefits

Chinese Hot and Sour Soup’s main ingredients have multiple health advantages in addition to adding to its powerful flavour. Bamboo shoots offer vital minerals and dietary fibre, while shiitake mushrooms are high in antioxidants and have immune-boosting qualities. This soup is a wholesome and filling choice since tofu packs a protein punch.

IngredientHealth Benefits
Shiitake MushroomsAntioxidants, Immune Support
Bamboo ShootsDietary Fiber, Essential Nutrients
TofuProtein Source, Low in Saturated Fat
Rice VinegarDigestive Aid, Potential Blood Sugar Control

Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits of Chinese Hot and Sour Soup

Calories in Hot and Sour Soup

Chinese Hot and Sour Soup is a healthy option for health-conscious eaters because of its many health advantages. This soup is a healthy complement to any meal because it is low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals. Its blend of fibre, protein, and good fats encourages fullness and aids in keeping a diet in balance.

How to Make Hot and Sour Soup Vegetarian

Simple flavour adjustments can be made in place of typical ingredients for vegetarian versions of Hot and Sour Soup. For a vegan variation, use vegetable broth instead of chicken stock and leave out the egg. Tofu can be made more flavorful by marinating it or smoking it. Adding more veggies, like bell peppers or carrots, can also improve the nutritional value of the soup.

Serving Suggestions and Pairings for Chinese Hot and Sour Soup

Serving Suggestions about Hot and Sour Soup

Chinese Hot and Sour Soup enhances the flavour and liveliness of each meal, going well with a wide range of cuisines. Serve it as an appetiser for a classic Chinese feast, along with spring rolls or dim sum. Serve it as a filling main meal with noodles or steamed rice for a heartier option. Serve it with light, crisp salad or stir-fried greens to counterbalance its strong flavours.


In conclusion, Chinese Hot and Sour Soup is a dish that is both healthful and delightful, mixing robust flavours with wholesome ingredients to capture the essence of Chinese culinary history. This legendary soup never fails to wow diners worldwide, whether it’s consumed as part of a celebratory feast or as a warm bowl on a winter evening. Chinese Hot and Sour Soup is a timeless classic that will thrill future generations with its rich history, varied varieties, and several health advantages.


How spicy is hot and sour soup?

Yes, the inclusion of seasonings like white pepper and chilli sauce makes hot and sour soup normally spicy.
Is there meat in hot and sour soup?

In traditional hot and sour soup, meat (such chicken or pork) is frequently used, but vegetarian options are also available.
Is soup that is hot and sour healthy?

Hot and sour soup has the potential to be nutrient-dense because it frequently includes veggies, tofu, and mushrooms, which are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Is soup that is hot and sour healthy?

Hot and sour soup has the potential to be nutrient-dense because it frequently includes veggies, tofu, and mushrooms, which are rich in vitamins and minerals.
What is the calorie count of hot and sour soup?

Depending on the recipe and ingredients used, hot and sour soup can have a calorie count of up to 200 per serving, however this might vary.

What is in the hot and sour soup from China?

Typically, components for Chinese hot and sour soup include tofu, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, rice vinegar, and a variety of flavourings.
Is spicy-sour soup free of gluten?

If thickening agents such wheat flour are used, hot and sour soup may include gluten; however, gluten-free versions can be created with substitute components.

About Misha Mehboob

Meet Misha Mehboob, a passionate food enthusiast and computer science student from Sargodha University. Misha's culinary journey is fueled by her love for exploring new flavors and experimenting in the kitchen.At CrispyEatHub, Misha shares her creative recipes and practical cooking tips to inspire fellow food lovers on their culinary adventures. From quick weeknight dinners to indulgent desserts, there's something delicious for every palate.Join Misha as she combines her love for food and technology to create mouthwatering dishes that delight the senses and bring people together. Let CrispyEatHub be your go-to resource for culinary inspiration and delicious recipes that make every meal memorable.

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