Chinese Pineapple Bun

Chinese Pineapple Buns, Recipes, Fillings & Variations Guide

Use our guide to learn about Chinese Pineapple Buns’ fillings, recipes, and variations. Discover the secrets of mastering this popular delicacy at home, from its history to professional advice.

Chinese Pineapple Buns

Chinese Pineapple Buns are a popular dessert in Chinese bakeries all over the world, recognised for their unique look and sweet flavour. Pastry lovers especially love these fluffy buns with a sweet and crispy cookie topping on top.

History of Chinese Pineapple Buns

Chinese pineapple buns have their roots in Hong Kong, where they were first made in the early 1900s by neighbourhood bakeries. These buns are not made with pineapple; rather, the name comes from the way they look, which is similar to the texture of a pineapple. People of all ages love them, and they have become a popular fixture in Chinese bakeries throughout time.

Ingredients for Making Chinese Pineapple Buns

Ingredients for Making Pineapple Buns in China:

  • Sugar – Flour
  • Shortening or butter
  • Yeast – Milk – Baking powder
  • Egg (for egg wash) – Preferred filling or custard powder are optional

Traditional Chinese Pineapple Bun Recipe

Simple ingredients that are often present in most kitchens are needed for the classic Chinese Pineapple Bun recipe. What you’ll need is as follows:

  • Sugar Flour
  • Shortening or butter
  • Milk
  • Baker’s yeast powder
  • Egg (to be used in egg wash)
  • Custard powder or preferred filling are optional.


Prepare the Dough:

  • In a bowl, stir together flour, sugar, yeast, and milk until a soft dough forms.
  • After kneading the dough until it is elastic and smooth, let it to rise until it doubles in size.

Prepare the Topping:

  • Beat sugar and butter or shortening till frothy and light.
  • Combine the flour and baking powder to create a crumbly blend.

Assemble and Bake:

  • Shape the dough into rounds by dividing it into equal sections.
  • Lightly flatten each round, then heap a heaping spoonful of the topping mixture on top.
  • Cut a crisscross design on the top of each bun with a knife or dough scraper.
  • When the buns have risen once more, brush them with egg wash.
  • Preheat the oven and bake until the food is cooked through and golden brown.

Variations in Fillings and Flavors

Chinese Pineapple Bun with Custard Filling

Chinese pineapple buns provide a flexible platform for culinary innovation, enabling a multitude of delectable variations in terms of flavours and fillings. The following well-liked choices will improve the flavour of your buns:

Sweetened Red Bean Paste: A traditional filling option, this paste gives the buns a lovely sweetness and earthy taste. Traditionalists love it because it provides a pleasing contrast to the texture of the bun.

Custard Filling: Try stuffing your Chinese pineapple buns with homemade custard for a decadent and creamy touch. A decadent delight is produced when the somewhat sweet bun crust is paired with the silky, creamy custard.

Char Siu (Barbecued Pork): Char siu, or barbecued pork, is a great filling alternative for people who prefer savoury to sweet. A savoury and delicious bite is provided by the soft bun’s perfect pairing with the tasty and tender pork.

Coconut Filling: The sweet and fragrant coconut flavour of the coconut filling gives the buns a touch of the tropics. It’s a cool choice that gives the classic dish a pleasant touch.

Matcha Cream: Try stuffing your buns with matcha-flavored cream for a contemporary twist. The traditional Chinese pineapple buns are given a distinctive and modern twist by the earthy matcha flavour and vivid green colour.

You may tailor your Chinese Pineapple Buns to your choice and make a genuinely unique and unforgettable pastry experience by experimenting with these fillings and flavours. There’s a filling alternative to satiate every need, whether it’s savoury or sweet.

Regional Variations and Cultural Significance

In different regions of China and other parts of Asia, variations of these Buns can be found, each with its own unique fillings and flavors. For example, some bakeries may offer versions filled with sweetened red bean paste, custard, or even savory options like barbecue pork.

Expert Tips for Perfecting Chinese Pineapple Buns

Take into account these professional recommendations to make sure your Chinese Pineapple Buns are flawless every time:

  • Use premium ingredients to achieve the greatest texture and flavour.
  • Give the dough enough time to rise in order to have a fluffy, light bun.
  • Try a variety of toppings and fillings to make your own special versions.

Serving Suggestions and Pairings

Serving Suggestions about Chinese Pineapple Bun

Although Chinese pineapple buns taste best just out of the oven, you may freeze and reheat them at a later time. For a pleasant treat, serve them as a snack or dessert with a cup of tea or coffee.

Nutritional Information

These buns are indeed delicious, but because of their dough and topping, they also contain a lot of calories and carbohydrates. They can, however, be included in a balanced diet and enjoyed in moderation.


To sum up, these buns are a delicious and adaptable delicacy that have won over people’s hearts and palates all over the world. These buns will definitely please any sweet tooth, whether they are eaten simple or stuffed with a variety of delectable fillings. You’ll be able to replicate this well-loved bakery classic in your own home and wow your family and friends with your culinary prowess with the help of this tutorial.


Important components of Chinese pineapple buns?

Chinese pineapple buns are made with flour, sugar, butter, milk, egg, yeast, and baking powder.
How are pineapple buns in China served?

Serve with tea or coffee as a snack or dessert, and top with savoury or sweet ingredients.
Can you get different fillings for Chinese pineapple buns?

Yes, you can add fillings for more flavour, like custard or red bean paste that has been sweetened.

Chinese pineapple buns can be savoury or sweet?

Usually sweet because of the sugary crust, although there are also savoury options, like pig barbecue.
How should one pronounce “pineapple bun” in Chinese?

It’s pronounced “bo lo bao” (鏠蘿包) in Cantonese.
Are frozen Chinese pineapple buns possible?

Indeed, these can be frozen and then reheated after cooling.
Are there any gluten-free Chinese pineapple bun options?

Yes, you may use flour mixes that are free of gluten, and there are other filling options.

About Misha Mehboob

Meet Misha Mehboob, a passionate food enthusiast and computer science student from Sargodha University. Misha's culinary journey is fueled by her love for exploring new flavors and experimenting in the kitchen.At CrispyEatHub, Misha shares her creative recipes and practical cooking tips to inspire fellow food lovers on their culinary adventures. From quick weeknight dinners to indulgent desserts, there's something delicious for every palate.Join Misha as she combines her love for food and technology to create mouthwatering dishes that delight the senses and bring people together. Let CrispyEatHub be your go-to resource for culinary inspiration and delicious recipes that make every meal memorable.

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